Integrated tracking system for maximum optimization


Cavemen IoT  provides track & trace and AMC solutions for many industries. We ensure quality communications, provide track & trace systems and  interconnect solutions to all market and Industry sectors.  We are a UK based company, with a multi skilled team specialising in engineering, sourcing and end to end supply chain.

As a global technical solutions company,  we provide products, critical support and services in multiple markets. Our  core values have  helped us develop a strong network of partners with continuous support, driven by our customers’ needs. This combined with our expertise, products  and services enables us to be a market leader in  Global supply chain management solutions for our customers and their operations.

Our Goal is to provide our customers with a full range of products, services and technical solutions that will  enable  them to operate more efficiently. 


Ground support equipment


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Industrial manufacturing

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Specialized equipment

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Tunneling & Mining

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Transport & Logistics

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Waste Management

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Create a digital ecosystem

Have full visibility

Whether you manage a transport fleet, waste containers, valuable equipment, or a complex supply chain, our easy- to-use tracking solution ensures you never lose sight of your assets again.

Boost efficiency

Monitor the usage of your assets, identify bottlenecks, and predict delays. With Sensolus, you have the insights to make the most of your assets.

Reduce inventory costs

Manage your inventory levels with peace of mind that you have optimal stock availability. By automating your inventory management, no more manual counting and human error, and reduce the risk of surplus stock and underused assets.

Drive accountability

Lift the veil of uncertainty using our automated activity log. With customizable alerts, you can ensure third parties are accountable for delivery times, specified locations and proper use of your assets. With Cavemeniot, it is no longer a guessing game.


Use case

Utilization Monitoring

  • Use measurable KPIs to assess the utilisation of your assets
  • Optimised allocation of your assets
  • Stop unnecessary fleet expansion
  • Know the optimal cost of each of your assets, by hour, day, week, month and year.

Inventory Management

  • Save time searching for assets
  • Digitize your stalk count - forget manual count
  • Eliminate sleeping assets from your P&L
  • Avoid asset shortage delaying your processes

Condition Monitoring

  • Detect quality issues at the very start
  • Ensure compliance to customers and regulators
  • Avoid manual logging
  • Keep a tab on the quality provided by sub-contractors

Process flow Management

  • Reduce your Work-in-Progress cost
  • Predict delays in your demand & supply
  • Analyse the number of assets needed for each task
  • unearth suspicious asset locations in your flows

Asset Maintenance Management

  • Reduce cost of asset failure
  • Ensure maintenance planning is respected
  • Cost-saving by just-in-time maintenance
  • Always have the last information at hand


Grow Your Business Within Few Month

Our Partners


Hear From Our Clients

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Ground Support Equipment

GSE can be very expensive, and ground handling companies often have to purchase large quantities of GSE to meet the demands of their customers. Additionally, the cost of maintaining GSE can be significant due to the constant need of maintenance and repairs to maintain them in good order.


Auto suppliers face many issues, such as material scarcity, increased lead times, high operational costs, and labor shortages. The automotive industry depends on various raw materials, including steel, aluminum, rubber, plastics, etc. Limitations in the availability of these materials pose auto supply chain issues. We at Cavemen, with the help of our partners help reduce the scarcity, lead times, operational costs and labour shortage by improving, visibility for about 12 month and beyond, reduce lead times, reducing operational costs and labour shortage by enhancing Inventory, reducing operational costs and labor by data driven utilisation & planning.

Industrial Manufacturing

Industrial companies typically have hundreds or thousands of valuable assets such as containers, trailers, boxes, equipment or dollies. Often, you have very little data on these non-powered assets: where they are, how they are used, or even how they can be utilized better.   With the help of our partners,  connecting these assets to the internet enables you to know where specific assets are, detect issues in your processes and ensure full visibility when working with contractors or customers. You access the collected data on our powerful analytical platform, which is ready to use from day one. The battery-powered trackers are easy to install and will work anywhere for five years. They don't require any infrastructure and you can easily scale from a small proof of concept to a fully sized project.

Specialized Equipment

From construction equipment to expensive cleaning machines, all of these assets have one thing in common, they can’t be automatically tracked, especially when rented to customers. Without a digital map of their location and use, it is often difficult for companies to optimize their use, manage existing inventories, and prevent theft.

With the help of your partners, we offer a simple tracking solution that creates a digital twin of this equipment, which puts the control back in your hands.

Safety is Survival

Next generation safety and operation efficiency

Safety is the key to survival

The next generation safety and agile operational efficiency
Next generation advance tracking solution for Personnel, vehicle, asset and equipment

Personnel Safety Sorted

A tracking device your workforce will definitely want to wear.

Our Partner’s tracking systems significantly enhance real-time monitoring and response capabilities in hazardous work environments.

Leverage operational data insights automation to protect your workforce without fail. Providing workers with a safer, more controlled snd efficient working environment.

Evacuation Alarms

Wearable Mini Tag

Initiate warnings and evacuation alerts direct to Personnel Tag (audio alarm and flashing lights) in real time. Via the map-based interface, the application allows a user to view the status of evacuation and trigger alarms, as well as monitor muster point activity.
SOS Button

Wearable Tag

Safety for Personnel is now possible wherever they are, in any state and especially if they have sustained injuries such as a blocked windpipe. Personnel can initiate a distress call from the Tag, providing their location and need for help
Vehicle Approaching Alerts

Smart Alerts/Switch

With live location data on every moving asset it is actually possible to prevent accidents even before they happen. Automated switches controlled by the application deliver timely warnings to Personnel via colour coded zonal lighting system.
Environmental Controls

Smart Alerts/Switch

Manage the level of ventilation in your environment and automate control based on occupancy and clean air. Particle matter detection sensors can also be integrated to enable timely notifications and proactive safety measures.
Machine Proximity Alerts


Identify zones areas of high risk and automatically create a geo-zone surrounding operating machinery which alerts Personnel via lights and sounds when they are nearing dangerous proximity to machines and vehicles.
Asset Tracking & Monitoring

Action/Leverage Data

The platform monitors the live location of every asset to police risk, automate safety and increase productivity of personnel, vehicles and equipment at all times.

Single device, Multiple solutions

Replaceable Battery (5yrs), Ultra long range (250m+), Millisecond reporting (.01s), Audio alerts (90dB)

Personnel Centric

Our partners have revolutionised workforce safety with smarter technology

Recent technological advancements provide a level of safety and efficiency previously unreachable with traditional systems, marking a significant step forward in underground safety
management and automation.

Robust risk mitigation controls
Interactive environment alerts
Increase situational awareness
Automated risk monitoring


A 360 degree view into your entire operation

Enhance safety and operational efficiency with real-time tracking for rapid emergency response, personal alarms for immediate assistance, evacuation alerts for efficient emergencies handling, vehicle proximity warnings to prevent collisions, automated environmental controls for better air quality, and data analytics for continuous business performance improvements.


Onboarding & Training

We provide complete managed services, from registration of each subcontracting company to provision of safety technology and onboarding of personnel. Managed service ensure site compliance, so there is minimal downtime when new companies arrive on site.

Waste Management

Keeping track of the location of waste containers often relies on time-consuming and error-prone human logging. Moreover, transport is often performed by subcontractors further complicating your manual logging. This leads to long container hunts and the suboptimal use of your container fleet. With our Partners, you will know where your waste containers are – the location, area and customer – at all times.

Transport & Logistics

If you don’t track your RTPs, you might encounter multiple problems, such as:

  • loss of RTPs (theft or misplacement)
  • out-of-contract use
  • wrong delivery
  • unnecessary damage
  • higher maintenance costs 
  • time-based maintenance (instead of usage-based)
  • delayed or blocked operations
  • lack of compliance…

Make Informed decisions

By reducing the cost associated with the management of the RTP containers, you get:

    • full visibility on RTPs, which means no RTPs lost
    • optimal allocation of RTPs
    • reduced “out-of-contract” use
    • reduced repair and replacement costs
    • accurate maintenance alerts leading to extended RTP lifetime.


And by increasing financial gains related to optimizing logistics operations and supply chain flows thanks to our partners:

    • automated inventory counting 
    • faster recovery after mistakes
    • reduced Work-in-Progress
    • easy verification of contracts
    • automated RTP booking in the ERP system
    • optimized transportation costs

It's more than just a tracking solution, Our partners offer a tangible return on investment

Worldwide Experience




Middle East

Asia Pacific

Get in touch with CAVEMEN IOT